Thursday, 29 May 2014

The 'other' hijabi

The Other Hijabi

When I see you, I confess, I assess how good your outer hijab is. As if your outer hijab is a direct indication of your inner hijab. I look at your clothes; are your sleeves full length, are you covered until your ankles, is nothing of your hair or neck showing, is nothing you are wearing see-through and then finally I assess your 'fashion-sense'.I look at your face; how much make up are you wearing, are you wearing earrings outside of your hijab? Then I ask myself are you light skinned and light eyed, are you a convert like me? I look at who you're with; is that your husband, if not it better be your brother, do your friends wear hijab, are your children well behaved, does your daughter wear hijab? I look at your behaviour; are you loud, are you smoking, are you eating/drinking at places selling haram food or which support certain regimes we oppose, are you compassionate towards your fellow humans and animals, do you litter, do you drive carefully?

From this short paragraph one might think that these are not nicest ways to assess somebody by, however how do you think non-muslims assess us hijabis? Being a hijabi is like being a live representative of Islam, people will judge whatever you do and say to and will see it as being due to your religion. Think of it this way, if you would see a nun drinking in public, would you not very surprised and instantly question their belief in the teachings of Prophet Jesus (a.s.) and with it the entire religion of Christianity itself.

Dear other hijabi, 

may Allah bless you and your family. 
You have brightened my day by your mere presence,
being in a society where modesty in dress is an oddity
you have made me feel stronger and not alone.
May Allah give you the strength to wear your hijab with pride
and may Allah guide you to always remain on His path.