Monday, 26 December 2011

Merry Winterbreak :)

 Dear Readers, Salam Aleikum,

a short update on how to spend your Winter holiday, Islamically ;)
Check out the following links!

Peace be with you, dear readers.
May Allah accept our prayers and may we all be safe in 2012, insha'Allah!

Saturday, 24 December 2011

Ahlulbayt TV

Dear readers, Salam aleikum,

I am at the moment watching a live fund-raising show on Ahlulbayt TV, this TV show runs entirely on donations. It is the only English-speaking Islamic TV channel with information of the Ahlulbayt, (the Holy Household of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (a.s.)). This channel has a great variety of programs, with the unheard voices censored out of the news, interesting lectures and sermons and programs made especially for reverted brothers and sisters, women, teens and children. It is on 24/7 and can be watched online as well as on Sky in Europe, Africa and Northern America.
Especially in this month of Muharram, the importance of such a TV show can be witnessed, for the events of Karbala are greatly ignored, mostly deliberately, by other Islamic channels. Insha'Allah we can miss a couple of coins to this amazing cause, for we all know how important spreading the truth is!
 For the story of the tragedy of Imam Hussain (a.s.) is not be ignored or forgotten! 

I know I will be donating to this cause, for I feel that donating will not cost me money, it will only increase my reward by Allah (swt), insha'Allah. For this world is only here temporarily, we are tested in this world, why not increase our good deeds by contributing to the spread of the word of the Ahlulbayt (a.s.). I can go to sleep tonight and feel that my day of Jummah has been completed by deciding to call up to this TV channel and insha'Allah donating a relatively small sum of money to this great cause. By today praying on time and obtaining more information on the Ahlulbayt (a.s.) next to watching an Islamic series on Prophet Yusuf (a.s.), I can go to sleep and thank Allah (swt) yet again for guiding me to the righteous path and by lifting the fog from my minds eye and allowing me to see the truth! Alhamdullillah!
Insha'Allah the brothers and sisters working so hard on spreading the word of the Ahlulbayt (a.s.) will be rewarded in this life and the next!

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Thursday night supplication

Dear readers, salam aleikum,

Insha'Allah you are all well!
As you all know the day of Friday (Jumu'ah) is a Holy day and
therefore saying a dua (supplication) the night before means Thawab (positive points).
And we know that every good deed is worth more than anything, 
when any breath could be your last.

Below I posted a Thursday night supplication from,
this is a great website to look up the Arabic, English and transliteration of many duas!

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
All praise is for Allah (only) who, through His omnipotence, strips the night of darkness, and, through His mercy, brings in the visible light of the day, wrapped me in its brightness, and filled me with its benefits. O my Allah, just as Thou kept me alive (till) this day, let me live through many such days; bless (Thy) Prophet, Muhammad and his children, and do not bring loss upon me in any part of its duration, and also in other nights and days, (by way of not preventing myself from) going in for anything unlawful, and making progress through wrongful means; give me its good, good that is there in it now, and good that it shall have, keep me aloof from its evil, evil that is there in it now, and evil that it shall have. O my Allah, I, totally committed to Islam, seek nearness to Thee; fully learning and grasping (the meanings of) the (Holy) Quran, resolve firmly to rely upon obedience unto Thee; and through the medium of Muhammad Al Mustafa (the chosen), peace and blessings of Allah be on him and his children, I ask Thee for my rescue, therefore know well, acknowledge, and accept,
O my Allah, the commitment and alliance on which I rely to receive satisfaction of my desires, O the Most Merciful. O my Allah, in the hours of this Thursday, fulfil my five desires, do not set in motion anything except Thy generous kindness, do not make possible and promote interest of any thing except Thy favour; (give me) sound health and wholesome security which I shall use to obey Thy commands, (confidence) to do good deeds which put me in a position to deserve more and more rewards from Thee, sufficient means of livelihood through fair and lawful employment, be my escort in the hour of fright to afford security, and in the hours of difficulties and sorrows keep me under Thy fortified stronghold; send blessings on Muhammad and on the  children of Muhammad, and let my alliance with them be a means of recommendation on the Day of Judgement, because verily Thou art the the Most Merciful.
(For the Arabic and the transliteration I would refer you to
May Allah accept all our prayers, all our duas and all our fasts, Insha'Allah!

Monday, 19 December 2011

Wake up Project

Dear readers, salam aleikum,

Here I am uploading some of the videos of the Wake Up Project,
visit their website and you can watch many more of these inspirational videos.
I have selected the following two for their good introduction and content.

Peace be with you dear readers,
may we all be on the side of Good when the time comes!


The Dajjal

Dear reader, salam aleikum,

I have been motivated to write a blog to raise (more) awareness about the Dajjal or 'the Anti-Chirst'. I have been pondering about this specific subject for quite some time,
tonight I decided to act upon these thoughts and inform my readers about the Dajjal.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) told his companions about the Dajjal, although He knew exactly what the Dajjal looked like, he had to simplify the information to convey the image of the Dajjal properly. This was so that the people in that time could understand the severity of the arrival of this evil figure. The Prophet (a.s.) explained to his people that the Dajjal will be blind to the right eye and that true believers could read the word 'Kafir' (unbeliever) on its forehead.
 Furthermore, the Dajjal will be so large that it will have one foot in the East and one in the West and that it will be fast, like the clouds driven by the wind.(Abu Huraera (ra)-Baihaqi, Meshkat). And that it can travel around the world in less time than is needed to prepare and attend Jummah (Friday) prayers. (Nawas (ra) bin So'man -Moslem, Tirmizi). These Hadiths can be interpreted literally, however why would the Prophet compare the speed of any giant to clouds driven by the wind? The Prophet (a.s.) merely tried to explain to the people of his time, that travel in the time of the Dajjal will be of very high speed. The time it takes to say Jummah prayers (roughly 90 minutes), is approximately the same amount of time it takes for orbiting satellites to circle the earth once. These Hadiths therefore should not be interpreted in the literal sense of a giant roaming the earth, rather that they signify the advanced technology of high speed aeroplanes and satellites, for any other explanation would have been incomprehensible for the people living in that time.
 Another Hadith states that the Dajjal will have a space of '70 hands' between its two ears, and that it will be able to hear and see what happens on both sides of the world simultaneously. The word '70' in Arabic means countless;  imagining a giant with a unmeasurable distance between its two ears, encircling the earth and taking a relatively long time (90 minutes) seems impossible. However when we focus on the organ which is described, namely the ear, we can think of modern technology which symbolizes these two ears thousands of miles apart. Think of the telephone, the internet, the radio and other media technology, we can hear in an instant what is being said half-way across the world, for example when we use skype to call distant relatives.
As this phenomenon was completely foreign to the people of this time, over 1400 years ago, the interpretations of the Hadiths should not be taken literally now. Many have expected the occurrence of the Dajjal in the form of a great one-eyed giant, however the symbolism in the Hadiths speak of much more than is imaginable in a giant. However in this modern age of so-called 'reason and freedom', we can not imagine anything like this occurring or having occurred already. Despite the fact that the Dajjal has been prophesied to appear in the 'final hours' of the world, it seems that the Dajjal has already come to our world. He has brought with him an image of Paradise and Hell. What he will portray as Paradise, although will in fact be Hell. This central idea comes with the new age of technology, mass media, modern societies, food industry, politics, educations and eventually a whole new way thinking. What do we see as better, what do we prefer to eat, what do we prefer to wear, what do we prefer to listen to, who do we vote for to represent us globally? Who decides what is 'in' and what is 'out', what is normal and what is not? 
The answer to this question is Western Modern Civilization, with this however is not meant the hard working people living in Western countries, no. It is the invisible power that is ruling the world:

with its feasible social networks and modern technology to track whatever we are doing, where we are and what we are saying, whenever!
 with its industrialized food systems, genetically altering animals to produce more meat without any thought of the health consequences to the animals or the humans consuming the genetically engineered meat.
with brutal colonization, leaving countries bare and broken. Letting the poor get poorer and the rich get even richer. Having its own people still in place in these countries as the 'political leaders' working under the hidden agenda of the Western Civilization
with its globalization, taking away the people's heritage, culture, morals, language and even religion, by conforming the world to the views found correct by the Western Civilization.
with its mass media, portraying any people differing from the Western norm as evil, fuelling the increase of xenophobia and immoral hatred all over the world. Decreasing the tolerance and acceptance of individual differences and increasing discrimination and violence amongst the people.
The deceptions of this world are all around us, the billboards showing us what to wear, the TV shows telling us how to act, the advertisement telling us what to eat, these products, these lifestyles, these mentalities all seem to be created especially for us. To make us happy, but how far does this happiness go?
If we have everything we want, can eat whatever we want and go whatever we want, don't we just want more and more? Where does this end? When will we be satisfied?
I will tell you when...never. For the seductions of this world will never fill the hole that is left inside, the hole where true belief, piety and kindness should be.
The common phrases: "You only live once" or " There might be no tomorrow" are very true and are morally founded, cognition following from these sayings should be promoting a good and honest life, for your life could end at any time. The context in which these phrases are used in modern Western Civilization are however far from pious. They are used to justify to drinking even more, eat even more, pollute the environment even more, party even more, sleep around even more, killing more innocent people, accumulate riches in any way possible and to deny any type of responsibilities for one's acts, for tomorrow could never come. However when tomorrow never comes and these people are brought to be face true justice on the Day of Judgement, none will have any explanation for their acts other than their own ignorance.
To summarize the Dajjal is an evil figure which will deceive the people by offering them anything they want and seducing them to stray from the righteous Path, the path of Allah (swt). We must steer clear from the seductions of this world and this life, we should focus on the eternal life which follows. By living a pious and truthful life, one can achieve paradise. And who wouldn't want everything they wanted for eternity, rather than for a life time?
We need to wake up and break the invisible chains of this world!

The information used in this blog was based on literature and video research, two important sources were the 'Wake Up Project' and a Documentary written by Mohammed Bayazeed Khan Pani.
Feel free to suggest changes or correct errors.

Peace be unto you and so may the mercy of Allah and His blessings

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Dear Readers, salam aleikum.

On the 10th of Muharram we remember the tragedy of Imam Hussain (a.s.) on the plains of Karbala, it is good to wear black this period to show that we are mourning for this the King of Martyrs, the Saviour of Islam, the grandson of the Prophet (a.s.). Wearing red in this period symbolizes the enemies of the Prophet and his Household, the Ahlalbait (a.s.). Also celebrating in this period is a symbol of the opposition of the 14 Infallible Ones (a.s.). Below I will post a link to the story of the brutal bloodshed of Karbala.

The Night Before the Tenth

This tragedy makes us remember that without the bravery and strength displayed by the Holy Family Members of the Prophet (a.s.) and the help of Allah (swt), Islam would have been corrupted forever by the enemies of peace. Insha'Allah we will remember this tragedy with pain in our hearts, but with a clear message in our heads. That message being that; even during this bloody battle and days long thirst the Islamic soldiers fulfilled their prayer timely and displayed great strength and loyalty to Allah. We should try and achieve the same Iman every day.
For every day is Ashura and every place is Karabala.

Peace be upon you Oh Hussain, may our remembrance of your great sacrifice bring us all closer to Allah (swt), insha'Allah