as the year 2012 is upon us, a summary of 2011.
My final blog update of this year, insha'Allah!
This year I:
Reverted to Islam
Started praying 5 times a day
Started eating exclusively halal food
Read about the Prophets of the Qu'ran (a.s.)
Read about the Imamate
Read about the Imamate
Went to the Islamic Centre of England and that of Germany
Stayed at the mosque
Stayed at the mosque
Started wearing the hijab
Was gifted two Qu'rans
Bought over 50 scarfs
Went to a lot of conferences
Met a lot of new sisters, who will always be dear to me
Learned to read Arabic
Joined communal prayer
Joined communal prayer
Fasted for the Holy month of Ramadan
Decided to listen only to Nasheed
Joined an Islamic youth organization
Was the host of a conference
Wrote an Islamic poem
Started translating an Islamic book
Wrote an Islamic poem
Started translating an Islamic book
Did not celebrate Christmas or New Year
Had my first halal döner kebab
Gave a lot of clothes away
Did Tawba twice
Had many discussions
Realized who my true friends are
Was seen as a foreigner
Was complimented on my seemingly perfect Dutch (as this is my mother-tongue)
Realized how much effort goes into keeping yourself clean
Had many discussions
Realized who my true friends are
Was seen as a foreigner
Was complimented on my seemingly perfect Dutch (as this is my mother-tongue)
Realized how much effort goes into keeping yourself clean
Was amazed more and more by the greatness of Allah every day, Mashallah!!
Insha'Allah dear readers, will 2012 be a year that we can all gather more knowledge about Islam, that we can all increase our Iman and that we can all find half our deen (if we haven't already)! I wish you all a fruitful 2012, filled with love, happiness and health. Insha'Allah let our sins be forgiven and our good deeds multiply greatly!
Salam, my dear sister.
ReplyDeleteYou are indeed blessed, and in my humble opinion, i believe that your repentance has been accepted, for not everybody who calls themselves a Muslim gets to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS).
May the Almighty, in His Unbounded Mercy, keep Blessing you and your near and dear ones, and keep you very close to Him.
Our prayers and best wishes are with you.
Wa aleikum salam brother,
ReplyDeletethank you for your kind comment and your prayer, insha'Allah we are all forgiven for our sins and rewarded for our good deeds. Insha'Allah our mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s.) is accepted.
As'salamu Alaikum Sister,
ReplyDeleteI welcome you to my deen, Islam.
Really impressed by your summary of 2011. all are almost the best but I didn't understand the mourning for Imam Hussain (a.s.)
Sister I will advice you to read Quran & Hadith and you will see that mourning for anything is not allowed for more than three days. Along with martyrdom of Hazrat Hussain, there are many other thousands of companions of Mohummed (s) also martyred at different time, why not mourn for them also? Did Mohummed (s) mourned for them?
Sister you have come to the right deen but you are still astray and not on the right path. Analyse by your own.
If you want to ask anything, I am always there.
Your Muslim Brother.
Salam aleikum brother,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate your kindness, but I do not see which Hadith or verse in the Holy Qu'ran would tell me that mourning for a family member of the Holy Prophet is not allowed for longer than 3 days. For all the time period of 40 days, as the Prophet (a.s.) himself said, has a significance not just in death, but also in marriage and even childbirth (as you most probably know). The way of mourning changes throughout the 40 days, whereby several dimensions of mourning are reached. I mourn for the fact that the Ummah had split up and that therefore the bloodshed of Karbala was needed to keep to truth alive, by keeping this in mind and acting accordingly.
For any revert there is always the problem of family and friends, I can take a great example of this Holy sacrifice, for although these people were physically tortured and eventually killed, they all kept to the truth. For me personally this means that no matter what for problems I face in this life, I know as long as I am on the side of Allah swt, I will be on the side of goodness.
Furthermore I did find an hadith which said the following: “The Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) said:
O' Fatimah! Every eye shall be weeping on the Day of Judgment except the eye which has shed tears over the tragedy of Husain (A.S.) for surely, that eye shall be laughing and shall be given the glad tidings of the bounties and comforts of Paradise.
Bihar al-Anwar, vol,: 44;pg,:293.”
“Umm Salama says: I saw Husayn (a) sitting in the lap of his grandfather, the
Prophet (s), who had a red block of soil in his hand. The Prophet (s) was
kissing the dust and weeping. I asked him what that soil was. The Prophet
(s) said: "Gabriel has informed me that my son, this Husayn, will be
murdered in Iraq. He has brought this earth for me from that land. I am
weeping for the suffering that will befall my Husayn." Then the Prophet (s)
handed the dust to Umm Salama and said to her: "When you see this soil
turn into blood, you will know that my Husayn has been slaughtered." Umm
Salama kept the soil in a bottle and kept watch over it until she saw on the
day of Ashura, 10th of Muharram 61 A.H., that it turned to blood. Then she
knew that Husayn bin Ali (a) had been martyred.
[al-Hakim, al-Mustadrak, vol. 4, p. 398]
[al-Dhahabi, Siyar a`lam al-nubala', vol. 3, p. 194]
[Ibn Kathir, al-Bidayah wa'l-nihayah, vol. 6, p. 230]
[al-Suyuti, Khasa'is al-kubra, vol. 2, p. 450; Jam` al-Jawami, vol. 1, p. 26]
[Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Tahdhib al-tahdhib , vol. 2, p. 346]”
Next to this I found a couple of Youtube clips that explain more on this topic.
I am more than happy to provide more information. I am not trying to emphasize our differences, I am merely answering your questions and striving for a unified Ummah in the true Sunnah which lies with the Ahlulbayt (a.s.). As is said in Hadith Al- Thaqalain:
"The Prophet address his followers: O' People! I am about to be called upon [by the Most High] and so I will soon be leaving you. I will bequeath you two most precious matters. They are:
The book of Allah, as a cord extended from heaven to earth, and My Itra [family], Ahlul Bayt.
Allah, the Benevolent and the All-Knowing has informed me that these two will be inseparable (from each other) till they reach me at the Pool of Blessings in Heaven. See then, O' people, how well you are to deal with them after I depart [from this world]"
(See Mus'nad Ahmad, Vol. 3, Page 17 and 26. Also Kanz al-Ummal, Al-Muttaqi, Vol. 1, Page 47. Also Masabeeh Al-Sunnah, Al-Bagh'wi, Vol. 2, Page 204.)
Sister Tahirah
W/salam sister
ReplyDelete1. Definitely 40 days have great significance but it is not allowed as per deaths of anyone.
2. Yes there are many hurdles for reverts. So I appreciate your belief in ALLAH, Mohummed (s) & AhlulBayt.
3. The hadith you mentioned about crying for AHlulBayt is found in Shia books, I never heard or read it ever.
4. Mohummed (s) left 2 things, Quran & his Sunnah. But didn't found this of Mohummed (s) family. The current members of the family, if will not act as per Quranic & Mohummed's teachings will have to answer and hence we cannot obey them. The AhleBayt of that golden time are remarkable in every aspect but the present one are doubtful.
5. I am simply asking you to go through the Quran with its tafser (Ibn Kathir) and the Sahih Hadith books (Bukhari - Muslim - Tirmizi). then finalise that you want to becom Shia or Muslim. Kindly with due respect please consult a Sunni Scholar also while asking from a Shia Scholar.
6. Tell me do you believe in this statement, "
I believe in the Oneness of ALLAH [S.W.T], Muhammad [S.A.W] is the last Prophet of ALLAH [S.W.T], Quran bestowed upon Muhammad [S.A.W] is doubtless from Al-Hamd till Wannas, all the Sahabah [R.A] were Mo'min, ALLAH [S.W.T] agreed with them and they with ALLAH [S.W.T], Ummahat-ul-Momineen [R.A] are the wives of Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W] and are the Noble Mothers of Muslims."
Do confirm from your scholars for correct belief.
Your Brother,
Jawad Rafiq.
Salam aleikum brother,
ReplyDeleteI respect the fact you would feel responsible for new Muslims by advising them to question their beliefs. I would like to recommend that you follow your own advice and question your own beliefs most of all your statement on whether one wants to become Shia OR Muslim.
You, as a self-declared Muslim, should know that as soon as one says their Shahada (There is no God, but Allah and Muhammed (a.s.) is his Messenger), they are Muslim. You as a fellow Muslim, have no right to deny them that, for then they could do the same to you. Your comment might be a fair indication of how much you yourself adhere to the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (a.s.).
Brother, as we are one Ummah, why are you trying so hard to divide it? I would advise you to read the book of Prof. Dr. Muhammed Tijani, “The Shi'ah are (the real) Ahl al-Sunnah”, a Sunni Scholar. Hereby the link to the PDF file: http://www.labbaik.ir/en/uploads/book/Tijani.The%20Shia%20are%20the%20real%20ahlsunnah..pdf.
To clarify, the Holy Ahlulbayt (a.s.) are the 12 Holy Imams (a.s.) and the daughter Fatima Zahra (a.s.) of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (a.s.). The relatives still alive now are known as the Sayyeds. These are ordinary people, not Holy or Infallible, as the Ahlulbayt (a.s.) are.
As you are not familiar with the source previously mentioned, I hereby quote another:
In both Sunni and Shi'i Muslim tradition, one important event symbolizes the status of the ahl al-bayt and the human as well as spiritual dimensions of their relation to the Prophet. This is the tradition or episode of al-kisa' (the mantle, or cloak) which the Prophet spread over himself and Fatima his daughter, 'Ali, and their two sons Hasan and Husayn. This tradition has come down to us in a number of versions, each stressing one or another aspect of the excellences of the family of the Prophet and his love for them. Ahmad b. Hanbal relates on the authority of Umm Salama, the Prophet's wife, that he said to Fatima one day:
'Bring me your husband and two sons.' When they had all come together he spread over them a mantle, and laying his hand over them, he said: 'O God, these are the people of the House of Muhammad! Let therefore your prayers and blessings descend upon Muhammad and the people of the House of Muhammad; for you are worthy of all praise and glory.' Umm Salama continued: 'I then lifted the mantle to enter in with them, but he pulled it away from my hand saying, "You too shall come to a good end."
- Ahmad b. Hanbal, Musnad (Cairo, 1313), IV, 323.
As this exchange will not help either of us further at this point in time, I propose that we end it here. Lastly Brother, I find it most important to not divide the Ummah and hereby emphasize our commonalties.
ReplyDeleteTahirah AhleBayt is the best of all, no doubt. I am not dividing, its a hadith that this ummah will have 73 sects. So we have to analyse our faith according to Quran & Sunnah only. The same as Mohummed (s) and his companions went on.
The faith is the only thing deciding our Jannah or Jahannum eternally. So I was insisting you. Well its a personal choice. How I can force anyone. Still if ALLAH wished, will see it again.
Fe amaan ALLAH
Jawad Rafiq (fb.com/jawad.rafiq)