Sunday 25 March 2012

First Anniversary

Salam aleikum dear readers,

today just a short post on the fact that one year ago I started wearing my Hijab.
I have been loving every second of it! Elhamdullillah!
My Hijab and I have been inseparable since March 25th 2011 =)
My scarf and I went to quite some places from England to Germany,
from Rotterdam to Amsterdam.
        And not one day I regretted my decision, for I knew it was the right one!

To all sisters struggling, don't lose your faith in Allah swt and pray, for this is the strongest weapon you have and will ever need in this world! Insha'Allah may Allah reward all our efforts and may our good deeds be multiplied many times before Judgement Day!


  1. MashaAllah my sister. Nice thing to read.


  2. aww..ocongratulations and well done. May Allah swt give you all the ajr for it and for inspiring all the women out there who read your blog =))

  3. Thank you sisters! Alhamdullillah you enjoyed my blog! Insha'Allah may Allah swt reward your kindness towards others and may we all meet each other in Paradise, insha'Allah!
