Friday 23 March 2012

Nowruz and Jumah Mubarak

Salam aleikum dear readers,

firstly I'd like to say Nowruz Mubarak! This is a celebration I did not understand before, for I thought it was too much like Easter, which I associated with Paganism and therefore did not want to celebrate. However after assessing the thought behind this phenomenon, it seemed quite clear celebration the new year is not wrong. For when we think of New year's on the 31st of December, its at the most naturally irrelevant event ever, in the middle of winter where new life is absent and spring is not even near. It is therefore more logical to celebrate this in Spring, when there are actually signs of a 'new year', when flowers start blooming, birds start nesting and the days are getting longer. This is a time when everything is green and full of life, this is however not the only phenomenon worth celebrating.
It is also a time to set new years resolutions such as, praying on time, fasting more and overall more remembrance of Allah swt (which on its own leads to more good deeds and logical thinking). Therefore people tend to decorate their houses with greenery and flowers and have eggs symbolizing new life, but also Qu'ranic verses and Islamic art. This serves as a natural reminder of mortality and therefore a good time to read Qu'ran and do Du'a, for such deeds bring a lot of reward. It does not mean that these religious acts should only be performed during this time, but it is always good to remind oneself that this life is a test and the deeds we perform here will be assessed on Judgement Day. Therefore I now learned to appreciate this celebration more and support the underlying thought of increasing Iman and therewith coming closer to Allah swt.

Secondly I would like to wish everybody a blessed Jumah (Friday), may Allah on this blessed day forgive us our sins and multiply our good deeds, insha'Allah! As we know the Messiah/ Imam Mahdi (a.s.) will, by the will of Allah swt, appear on a Friday and bring order to the chaos in this world.

As we witness cruel acts of violence every day and the injustice in countries such as Palestine, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Ghana, Lebanon, Lebia, Syria and I could go on for hours. We see Human Right being broken all around the world, even in so-called 'civilized Western' countries, here the right to have freedom of speech is being oppressed daily. For example someone questioning the validity of the events which occurred during the Holocaust is forbidden and any type of assessment is also greatly hindered. Next to this the media is completely censored and holds to a secret agenda. We should be very careful in taking information and always compare more media sources, also we should make others aware of this. For Muslims are being portrayed as terrorists all over the world, however if Christians would have lived in the oil-rich countries, they would have been made out to be just that. One must not forget the world is ruled by the rich, corrupted and Satanists. For when thinking about this very abstractly, (God forbid) worshipping Satan will bring one 'success' in this world, but what is considered success in this world? I will tell you: money, drugs, sex, alcohol and overall rock 'n roll. All of this might seem like 'the good life' at first but in the end it will lead to health as well as mental problems. Such as paranoia (thinking everyone wants to take your money/materials), liver cirrhosis or Korsokoff's syndrome (due to excessive drinking), Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases (due to drug abuse) and HIV infection and other STDs (due multiple sex partners and unprotected intercourse).
"I seek refuge by Allah from Satan"- Say this whenever Satan is trying to influence your thoughts, actions or any other act! Insha'Allah will help us overcome the Satanic influences!

In a world ruled by people infatuated with these worldly indulgences, we should keep a clear head and remember Allah swt and our goal in this life at all times. The goal of pleasing our Lord and being accepted into Paradise for eternity, for this life is literally and figuratively speaking very short lived. Strive to become a better person, perform good deeds, repel all evil, be thankful for everything that has been granted to you and pray for those in need, every day! May Allah accept all our prayers and supplications and may we receive the honour of fighting on the side of Imam Mahdi (a.s.). For now this ends my post, please feel free to correct me when I am wrong and share your opinion! Salam aleikum to all and don't forget to pray for the believers!

1 comment:

  1. Ameen on your duas! You also jumuha mubarak. And you are right. They can better celebrate new year in Spring haha.

