Dear readers, Assalamuh aleikum,
I'd like to wish you a blessed Friday! Today I started my day watching a show on Ahlulbayt TV called Reborn, in this show converts tell their stories and I felt inspired to write a new post.
For one of the brothers on this program had a very clear view on the importance and significance of the Holy Household of Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon All). This brother used the example of the previous monotheistic religions in comparison in Islam, that the Ahlulbayt (a.s.) functions as a continuous and living guidance which followed the final and completed religion, which was delivered to us by Allah's mercy through our Last Holy Prophet (a.s.). He said that the religions before, as they were not complete yet, did not require a living 'Apostleship' as does the final religion of Islam. As no new prophet will be rise by Allah's grace to guide us onto the righteous path, the Holy Ahlulbayt (a.s.) is fulfilling this function.
They do so by the narrations of their pristine lives and perfection of faith, by the many explanations of daily life situations and numerous wise Hadiths and the invaluable advice on how to live a pious and just life. This way we are guided through life and this world in such a way that Allah swt will be pleased with us and we will be allowed to enter Paradise, by the unlimited mercy of Allah swt.
May Allah swt bless Muhammed and his Family and may we be on the side of the Last Imam, Imam Mahdi (a.s.). May the Holy members of His Family vouch for us on the Day of Judgement, may our sins be forgiven and our good deeds be rewarded in unending blessing of our Lord Allah swt, insha'Allah!
May Allah swt bless Muhammed and his Family and may we be on the side of the Last Imam, Imam Mahdi (a.s.). May the Holy members of His Family vouch for us on the Day of Judgement, may our sins be forgiven and our good deeds be rewarded in unending blessing of our Lord Allah swt, insha'Allah!
Below you can read and listen to the Ziyarat Jumah for Imam Mahdi (a.s.), as the Last Imam (a.s.) was born on a Friday and is prophecized to reappear on a Friday, it is beneficial to all to recite this Ziyarat on Fridays.
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
O Allah send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad. In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Peace be on you, O the decisive argument of Allah on His earth!
Peace be on you, O the ultimate link of Allah with the mankind!
Peace be on you, O the truth and enlightenment of Allah whom the guided on the Right Path follow and imitate, and who gives heart, joy and confidence to the faithful! Peace be on you, O the just, pure and refined, rendered formidable!
Peace be on you, O the “Wali” (beloved favourite of Allah, a friend, a helper) who always gives sincere advice!
Peace be on you, O the means and medium of liberation and assurance ! Peace be on you, O the spring and essence of life !
Peace be on you. Blessings of Allah be on you and on your pure and pious family.
Peace be on you. May Allah fulfil, at once, in advance , the promise He made with you – to shower mercy and make distinctly visible (your) leadership.
Peace be on you, O Loving Protector !
I am your friend and follower, well aware of your priority and ultimate purpose.
I come near Allah, the Highest High, through you and your family.
I look forward to be there when you come, at your disposal for making known the truth.
I request Allah to send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad, and make room for me amid those who have fixed the look upon you, who shall comply with your instructions and help you against your enemies, and let me be present before you along with all your friends.
O loving protector !
O the Man of the moment!
Blessings of Allah be on you and on your family. Today is Friday, a day you are expected to come; the faithful will be free of cares and troubles when you shall arrive, and with one strike shall put an end to the intrigues of the infidels.
I, O the Loving friend, in these hours, seek your hospitality and friendship.
You, O my Loving friend, are kind and generous, a true son of the kind and generous forefathers, always inclined by nature to be hospitable and friendly.
So give me a warm welcome and make friends with me.
Blessings of Allah be on you and on your family.
O Allah! Send blessings on Muhammad and on the children of Muhammad.
well done ,it is very nice !